Tuesday 20 January 2009

3.0.2.GA ready for download

I've just cut 3.0.2.GA. Thanks to everyone for all the feedback on the CRs. This is an important micro release, addressing a number of bugs in 3.0.1.GA. For a full list, please visit JIRA for the release notes. In addition to bug fixes, this release comes with some performance (JDBC cache loader) and stability (TcpDelegatingCacheLoader) improvements, and a tighter overall memory footprint.

Thanks to several contributors, including Elias Ross, Jimmy Wilson, Galder ZamarreƱo, J. Baxter, Brian Stansberry and Krzysztof Sobolewski for submitting patches. Keep 'em coming!

Also, useful to note, the parallel test suite is finally in place as of this release. This cuts down our unit test time, running 3500+ tests takes under 10 minutes now. This is down from the 2+ hours it used to take. Thanks to Mircea Markus and Dominik Pospisil for getting this working; I know what a PITA it is debugging threading issues involving Maven Surefure and TestNG. :-)

Download 3.0.2.GA here (or our Maven2 repo), docs and the rest are all in their usual places.


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